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  • Cloud
  • AI/Big Data
  • Smart Factory
  • Smart Logistics
  • Smart City
  • Next-generation ERP
  • Security
  • Web3
  • DX Solutions
  • DX in Finance
  • DX in Public
  • Digital Customer Experiene
  • LG CNS provides optimized cloud services across many business areas
    with public cloud, multi/hybrid cloud expertise.

  • LG CNS provides optimal services through collection
    and storage of big data and verified AI services.

  • LG CNS is leading intelligent factory with new IT such as AI, big data,
    and IoT, and is changing the paradigm of manufacturing sites.

  • LG CNS is leading the smart logistics market by building a digital warehouse
    with an optimal combination of IT and facilities.

  • LG CNS is creating a future city for a better life,
    focusing on mobility and data.

  • LG CNS’s Deep ERP Experience, Combined with the Power of
    New DX Technology, Enables Us to Offer Unrivalled
    ERP Services Worldwide

  • LG CNS provides integrated security services,
    ranging from security consulting to implementation, operation, and control.

  • LG CNS creates customer value through practical services
    such as digital identity authentication and digital asset trading, etc.

  • Meet the LG CNS’s DX solutions based on new information technologies.

  • LG CNS is leading the DX in the financial industry
    with its expertise in the financial industry and IT such as cloud, AI, and blockchain.

  • LG CNS is contributing to strengthening national DX competitiveness
    through stable nationwide IT services.

  • LG CNS is innovating customer experience
    in a digital environment using new DX technology.


  • Priorities

    LG CNS is strengthening sustainability management by practicing ESG.

  • Environmental Management

    LG CNS practices environmental management
    with eco-friendly technologies.

  • Social Contribution

    LG CNS will build a better world through DX technology.

  • Growing Together

    LG CNS grows together with partner companies based on trust.

  • Fair Trade

    LG CNS grows together with partner companies based on trust.

  • Jeong-do Management

    LG CNS pursues ethical management based on
    LG’s unique behavioral method of Jeong-Do management.