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Digital Business Innovator

LG CNS realizes
DX optimized for clients

Our expert team challenges IT conventions to fast-forward
the technologies of tomorrow into reality today.
We are relentless in our commitment to strategic evolution
and sustainable growth of our clients’ business models.

Core business areas

Click on the businesses for more details

Cloud AI/Big Data Smart Factory Smart Logistics Smart City Next-generation ERP Security Web3 DX Solutions DX in Finance DX in Public Digital Customer Experience SaaS Integration
  • Cloud

    With our public-first, multi, and hybrid cloud strategy,
    LG CNS provides cloud services optimized
    for a wide variety of businesses.

  • AI/Big Data

    LG CNS provides optimal services
    through collection and storage of
    big data and verified AI services.

  • Smart Factory

    LG CNS is leading intelligent factory
    with new IT such as AI, big data, and IoT,
    and is changing the paradigm of manufacturing sites.

  • Smart Logistics

    LG CNS is leading the smart logistics market
    by building a digital warehouse
    with an optimal combination of IT and facilities.

  • Smart City

    LG CNS is creating a future city for a better life,
    focusing on mobility and data.

  • Next-generation ERP

    LG CNS’s Deep ERP Experience,
    Combined with the Power of New DX Technology,
    Enables Us to Offer Unrivalled ERP Services Worldwide.

  • Security

    LG CNS provides integrated security services,
    ranging from security consulting
    to implementation, operation, and control.

  • Web3

    LG CNS creates customer value in the coming
    Web 3.0 world with practical services that deliver digital
    identity, CBDC(Central Bank Digital Currency), and
    security token offering (STO) enabling technologies.

  • DX Solutions

    Meet the LG CNS’s DX solutions based on
    new information technologies.

  • DX in Finance

    LG CNS is leading the DX in the financial industry
    with its expertise in the financial industry and
    IT such as cloud, AI, and blockchain.

  • DX in Public

    LG CNS is contributing to strengthening national
    DX competitiveness through stable nationwide IT services.

  • Digital Customer Experience

    LG CNS is innovating customer experience
    in a digital environment using new DX technology.

  • SaaS Integration

    LG CNS conveniently integrates and provides
    the best domestic and global SaaS solutions across
    various business fields through “SINGLEX.”


LG CNS introduces sustainable management strategies
and shares management activities and achievements to achieve sustainable management.

Sustainability Report

This report introduces how LG CNS, a Digital Business Innovator, is leading clients’ digital transformation (DX) with advanced information technology.
LG CNS’ ESG performance and achievement are also explained in the report.

As a leading DX company, LG CNS will continue to uphold Jeong-Do management and corporate social responsibility for the sustainable growth.
