LG CNS has IT expertise in each sub-domains,
such as banking, card, insurance, securities, and capital.
LG CNS has been leading the DX in the domestic financial industry for over 20 years. LG CNS is taking the lead in cloud and AI big data-based financial DX businesses such as future contact centers,
hyper-personalized marketing, automatic payroll transfer service, and My Data platform construction.
LG CNS is the No. 1 provider of MyData platform construction in the financial sector.
LG CNS has experience in building MyData platforms in each financial sub-domains such as banks, cards, and insurances for KB Kookmin Bank, Woori Bank, Hana Bank, Shinhan Card, KB Kookmin Card, KB Insurance, etc.
LG CNS provides customers with more convenient financial services with proven DX technology and differentiated business capabilities.

The Future Contact Center (FCC) of LG CNS
provides 24-hour consulting services to customers.
The Future Contact Center (FCC) enhances convenience by applying new IT to customer consultation services that were previously conducted over the phone. With the introduction of the FCC, AI counselors can conduct 24/7 consultations with customers in both text and voice.
LG CNS uses various AI technologies, including △ Speech to Text (STT) to recognize customer voice, △Natural Language Processing (NLP) to find answers by understanding the intent of customer questions, and △ Text to Speech (TTS) to answer customers with voice based on such understanding.

Provide the services customers desire in a timely manner
with the hyper-personalized marketing of LG CNS.
Hyper-personalized marketing focuses on accurately predicting customer needs by identifying customer behavior patterns. LG CNS provides customized services to customers in the financial sector by comprehensively analyzing various factors including “personal characteristics” such as gender, age, and “consumption characteristics” such as card usage frequency.
Key projects conducted by LG CNS
KB Financial Group
Establishment of FCC for eight affiliates
including bank, card, securities, and insuranceHana Bank
Establishment of the My Data Platform
Woori Bank
Establishment of the My Data Platform
Shinhan Card
Development of My Data
and standard API servicesShinhan Bank
Establishment of the next-generation information system
Toss Bank
Establishment of the IT system for the Internet-only bank
KB Kookmin Bank
Establishment of automatic payroll transfer service
Korea Securities Depository
Establishment of the electronic securities system
NH Nonghyup Life
Establishment of the IFRS17 system
KB Kookmin Bank
Establishment of the artificial intelligence chatbot system for customers
Korea Insurance Development Institute
Establishment of the IFRS17 system
KB Capital
Establishment of the next-generation system
KB Kookmin Bank
Establishment of the next-generation system
NH Nonghyup Card
Establishment of the next-generation system
BC Card
Establishment of the next-generation system
Kyobo Life Insurance
Establishment of the next-generation system
Woori Bank
Establishment of the first big data analysis infrastructure
in the financial sectorKakao Bank
Establishment of the IT system for the first internet-only bank of Korea
NH Nonghyup Bank
Establishment of system separation between
central association and local unionsShinhan Card
Core IT system operation outsourcing
for the No. 1 credit card company in South Korea
Contact the DX experts
at LG CNS directly.