LG CNS has built approximately 60%
of the e-Government systems necessary for the people of Korea.
For the past 30 years, LG CNS has created indispensable public IT systems in our lives, such as the resident registration system, Seoul transportation card/transfer system, national tax integration system, local finance system, cash receipt system, e-passport, criminal justice system, real estate registration system, health insurance system, social security information system, weather information system, etc.
Key projects conducted by LG CNS
LG CNS is contributing to raising the national prestige of Korea by exporting DX.
The know-hows of LG CNS in public DX business leads to exports, raising the national prestige of South Korea. In 2020, LG CNS won the contract bid for an Indonesian national tax administration system project worth about KRW 100 billion, known as the largest single system construction contract in the history of export business at the time. The DX experience accumulated in Korea, such as the National Tax Integration System of the National Tax Service of South Korea, was a decisive factor in winning the contract bid.
LG CNS is also acting as a DX solution provider in the public sector.
When a problem occurred with the EBS(Korea Educational Broadcasting System) online class due to the large number of learners accessing remote classes after the COVID-19 outbreak, LG CNS urgently dispatched an architecture optimization team to solve the problem in just three days. In the event of an abnormality in public systems closely related to our daily lives, such as education and health, LG CNS provides immediate support free of charge.
Key projects conducted by LG CNS
(Ministry of Justice)Establishment of criminal justice information system
Establishment of intelligent correction information systemDomestic
(Ministry of Public Administration and Security)Establishment of local financial management system
(Supreme Court)Establishment of the electronic litigation system
Establishment of the future registration systemDomestic
(Ministry of Health and Welfare)Establishment of the social security information system
(Meteorological Administration)Comprehensive Weather Information System
Domestic (Korea Post)
Establishment of intelligent postal information system
Overseas (Indonesia)
Establishment of the national tax administration system
(Bahrain iGA/MoICT)The project for establishing the business registration and corporation registration system
Overseas (Colombian Ministry of Education)
The project for reinforcing the ICT education competency
Overseas (Ministry of Finance of Laos)
Establishment of the national tax administration system
(Uzbekistan MDITC)The project for establishing the National Electronic Library
Contact the DX experts
at LG CNS directly.