The establishment of a fair trade culture is
an essential core element for the sustainable growth and social responsibility of LG CNS.
LG CNS pursues a culture of fair competition and trade in accordance with the ‘LG Way,’
which is the basis for the thinking and behavior of its employees.
In particular, in order to comply with laws related to fair trade, related activities such as education, monitoring of amendments to laws,
and improvement of business processes are carried out, making best efforts to establish a fair trade culture.

Pre-managementChecking for Changes
in Laws/Regulations, etc.2
Education and Process ImprovementEmployee Education/PR, and
Work Process Improvement3
Inspection ActivitiesSelf-diagnosis and On-site Inspection
Follow-up ManagementIdentification of Cause of Issue and
Establishment of Measures to Prevent Recurrence
In order to comply with fair trade laws and regulations related to the business areas of LG CNS,
changes in laws, systems, and policies related to fair trade are shared with employees.
Periodic training is provided to raise awareness of fair trade among employees, and self-inspection and on-site inspections are carried out.
LG CNS continues to provide training to its employees on the areas of improvement identified from the inspection activities.