Operation of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee
The Occupational Safety and Health Committee of LG CNS promotes workplace safety and health through active employee participation.
In the committee, management and employee representatives meet on a quarterly basis to discuss and make decisions on important issues related to workplace safety and health.
The LG CNS COVID-19 Prevention and Response System
In response to ongoing issues with Covid 19, LG CNS has prepared a working manual for responding to the crisis of infectious diseases and established R&R and emergency response processes for each organization.
Based on this manual, LG CNS were able to systematically respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by operating emergency room, monitoring employee infection, telecommuting and self-isolation of employees and our partners. LG CNS is creating a safe workplace by applying stronger response guidelines than the government’s distancing measures, such as automated temperature checks and controls when entering the workplace, regular quarantine, and wearing indoor and outdoor masks, etc.
Employee CPR Training
LG CNS conducts personalized online and offline safety and health training that caters to different needs of employees to improve their safety and health awareness.
LG CNS has operated the CPR Practice Experience Center since 2020 to improve employees’ ability to respond to emergencies. Training at this center uses the LG CNS virtual reality and immersive simulation practice dummies for hands on CPR training.
Office Environment Monitoring
LG CNS operates an ongoing monitoring system and equipment that measures and maintains indoor workplace air quality to provide the best office environment for our employees.
In addition, LG CNS also operates massage services, medical consultation and care services, and a psychological counseling room to safeguard the physical and mental health of our employees.
Occupational Hazard Prevention
To achieve hazard-free and accident-free conditions at all business sites, LG CNS has a company-wide safe work environment diagnosis system, and uses it to conduct regular safety inspections.
To further improve this system, LG CNS is establishing proactive measures and methods to discover and remove safety and environmental risk factors in advance.